Annual Regatta (Eastern YC)
Event Add to my Calendar When:
July 4, 2019 @ 10:30 am – 4:00 pm
Boat Location:
Eastern Yacht Club
47 Foster St
Marblehead, MA 01945
All crew meet at Eastern Yacht Club at 10:30 AM to rig up, boat is off the dock at 11:00 AM with the first warning for the fleet scheduled at 12:30 PM. I anticipate being back to the yacht club between 3-4:00 PM.
Current Race Entries,
Notice of Race,
Sailing InstructionsBe at Eastern Yacht Club - Thu July 4th @ 10:30AM EDT
Race Results: 2nd of 3 Post # 53 Permanent link to this article:
Recent Comments
I can help out on 9/26!
Correct Sunny, there is no race for us on Sept 30, as Nicole and I will be finishing our packing/moving prep for the North End apartment, and the boat will be ready to get hauled out and transported down to Florida for the winter! So we only have this Weds night race (Sept 16) and next Weds race (Sept 23) left on the schedule
That being said, I anticipate the need to break some of the boat down on the weekend of Sept 26. I'm going to plan on being down to the boat on Sat 9/26 from about 11-3 PM to get her ready for her trip down to Marina Bay to get hauled. Anyone interested in helping out??
Looks like Weds Sept 30 is unscheduled, so this Weds the 23rd might be our last Rogue race for Boston in 2020...? It's been a fun season (such as it was!)